Friday, 11 June 2010

M.A. Creative Writing Update

It doesn't seem two minutes since I started the course at Lancaster. It all began last October and I now find myself with just ten weeks left to get the novel finished, edited, edited again and again, polished, until at last the final draft is ready to be submitted on 1st September. Think Victor Meldrew: "I doooon't believe it."

But before that I have the pleasure of going for afternoon tea to the Lake District with the gals on the course. That's next Tuesday, and boy, am I going to enjoy those sandwiches, tea and cakes!!!!!

I'll keep you posted.


  1. How the time has flown! hope you'll update a bit more.

  2. I will! I will! Soooooooon.

  3. Hi Antonia
    I feel very excited for you on your creative writing course and slightly envious, not least for having afternoon tea in the Lake District. How fantastic! Good luck with the novel.
