Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha!!!!!!...

...That's what I hope they'll do when they read the three sketches I've just e mailed to 7 on 7, the BBC sketch competition. Somehow, I doubt it. It's not that I haven't any confidence in my ability to write a sketch, just that comedy is so subjective isn't it?

I watched a video of a short sketch, on a Blog the other day, supposed to be funny, but I couldn't see anything funny about it at all. To me, it was completely and utterly puerile.

There are some good sketches on tv (to my mind) that I can laugh at, but some leave me cold. I wonder how mine will leave the readers...stone cold, luke warm, or red hot??

We'll see.

Ill tell you what made me laugh out loud all the way through: Jerry Springer The Opera. I didn't see it live, just on tv, but it was the funniest thing...


  1. Hi Higgs

    If your scripts are written with the same voice as some of your past stories then I'm sure your warm humour shines through and the judges will be choking of their tea and biscuits.

    I hope you win.

    Mel x

    PS I like the new look of your blog.

  2. You two are sweeties for saying that.

    Mel, I'm in winter mode with the Blog, but may change again in summer...if we ever experience a summer, that is!
