Thursday, 18 April 2013

womagwriter's blog: Ghost Stories and How to Write Them

womagwriter's blog: Ghost Stories and How to Write Them: Those of you who are my friends on Facebook already know about this, but it's time I mentioned it here - I have published an ebook - Gho...
At Last! A Ghost Story Book For Readers and Writers!

Monday, 1 April 2013

womagwriter's blog: One day writing retreat

womagwriter's blog: One day writing retreat: I bet the title of this post made you all sigh, and think: oh yes, that's just what I could do with... Well, if you're within reac...

Thursday, 21 March 2013

What to do with my novella...

I haven't heard back from the one market I sent my novella to three months ago, so I sent a query email today. I'll give that time of course - then if nothing comes of that I think it might be time to look at other possible markets and get my novella OUT there. I've heard about a few different outlets and I'm not over-confident but I do believe in my story! I'll let you know what happens. I'm onto my second novella by the way.

Monday, 25 February 2013

womagwriter's blog: Forthcoming books and a competition

womagwriter's blog: Forthcoming books and a competition: A quick news post for you. Firstly, with Mother's Day coming up, here's the perfect present for your own mum, or for your kids to ...

Monday, 14 January 2013

womagwriter's blog: Critiques and proof-reading

womagwriter's blog: Critiques and proof-reading: Two of my writing friends, whose skills and knowledge of writing I can personally vouch for, have set up new services for writers this year....

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Five Things To Do in 2013

It's that time again! Yes, I promise myself I will 1) Write more novellas. 2) Write more short stories. 3) Enter competitions. 4) Read more. 5) Set up my new editing/critiquing service. Keep it simple. That's my motto for 2013. Another cliché - Less is more. But oh so true.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

More on Christmas Past...

I remember my dad sitting at the open stove with me and my sister and shouting up the chimney to Father Christmas. "They've both been good. They want...." Then he'd list things like books, chocolate, and whatever we'd asked for. It was such a magical time. I think we believed he was actually speaking to him because the reply would come back soon after. "okay!" As we got a bit older we noticed Dad's mouth moving ventriloquist fashion and we kind of guessed it had been him all along. But the fun was just as real. We never had turkey. Mum used to buy a large capon and we'd have that with all the trimmings. Funny how I could always manage a full Terry's Orange afterwards...well, later in the afternoon. Now, I just can't face anything other than Christmas dinner and perhaps a cold meat sandwich later. These days I tend to pick at bits of things like left-over roast potatoes, and pickles and crisps. This year the family went out for Christmas lunch. It was very nice, very festive and very filling!