Tuesday 20 January 2009

Blog Colour Scheme

What do you think of the latest colour scheme? White background, black text and blue and purple headings?

This is the third colour scheme since I started the Blog. I began with a pink background with purple text (I think!), then a black background with white text. And now this.

I don't know what's the matter with me, I rarely decorate at home!


  1. Change is good, or so they tell us at work! My favourite was the black background but I have a thing for black :-) What do you prefer?

  2. I think I prefer this, Jacqui, because it's nice and light. The black was nice, but it felt a bit gloomy!

  3. I didn't see the other schemes, but I like this one. Black on white is easy on the eye, and the purple gives it a relaxed feel. :-)

  4. Glad you like it, Rosie. I think it seems nice and wintry...snowy? I may have a warmer colour during the summer months. I quite like burnt orange...

    Thanks for popping in.

  5. Ah, a winter theme, I like your thinking.

  6. Brrr, tis a little bit cold, here in Lancashire!
